Anna Grill
illustrator and children´s book author from Innsbruck
☞ Picture books, chapter books
☞ Always searching for the surreal, the odd, the fantastic
☞ Flora and Fauna
Tucked away in the alps of Innsbruck, Anna Grill ever so often asks herself whether she´s a graphic designer, an illustrator, or a book designer. When left alone, she frequently turns into a pessimist philosopher or hobby botanist. With personal book projects, she enjoys to do research into psychological backgrounds of fantastic storylines and as a rule, her work always circles around the themes of home, idyll, and otherness.

BA Graphic Design St. Pölten, AUT
MA Illustration Cheltenham, UK
„Mit Anna zusammenzuarbeiten macht einfach Spaß:
herzlich, kreativ, lösungsorientiert und verlässlich!
Ich freue mich schon auf viele weitere gemeinsame Projekte.“
- Wagnersche Buchhandlung

Selected Services
Type Setting and Layout
Book Design
Book Projects
with Sonja Katrina Brauner
Mein bunter Innsbruck-Rätselspaß
with Sonja Katrina Brauner
Starker Selbstwert mit Koalabär Lako
with Sonja Katrina Brauner
Außergewöhnliche Abenteuergeschichten von Leseratte Ramona und Kanal Karli
with Verena Herleth
Verfröhlichte Weihnacht
Edition Riedenburg
Drache Hatschi